

Indiscriminate use of agrochemicals over 5-6 decades has adversely affected soil fertility, crop productivity, product quality, and particularly the environment in many parts of the world. Imbalanced use of chemical fertilizers, especially nitrogenous fertilizers, has resulted in some regions manifesting adverse effects on the environment, polluting soil and groundwater resources. Soil quality, especially that of organic matter and micro-nutrient deficiencies are becoming ubiquitous, threatening sustainability and the quality of produce impacting nutritional security.:
Technology Details:
ICAR-CISH Bioenhancer is a cheap and effective microbial consortium for the improvement of soil and plant health. It is very useful for seed/seedling treatment, fortification of compost, nutrients, growth, and stress management in horticultural and other crops as evident/assessed in field trails. These microbes produce IAA, ammonia, HCN, and siderophores and solubilize P and Zn. It is a new consortium loaded with agriculturally important microbes.